Taylor K-2005C-SALT Complete Test Kit, High Range, Plus Salt Test Kit
Taylor K-2005C-SALT Service Complete™ Test Kit, High Range, Plus Salt Test Kit
Maintaining safe pool/spa water for the public is an important responsibility. Therefore, precise test results are essential when checking the water quality of commercial pools and spas. Taylor's 2000 Series™ is designed for the kind of comprehensive, routine testing performed by service technicians, public and semipublic pool operators, and other professionals. Taylor's 2000 Series™ uses printed color standards to achieve a reliable and accurate color match, making frequent test comparisons even easier.
Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 50
The K-2005C-SALT test kit features six different standards for chlorine (1-10 ppm), bromine (2-20 ppm) and pH (7.0 to 8.0).
The Taylor Complete™ kit includes nine tests for thorough testing...Total Chlorine, Free Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Acid Demand, Base Demand, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, Cyanuric Acid, and salt. Includes 2 ounce reagent bottles, providing 150% more tests than the Taylor Complete.
This kit cannot ship by Air.
This item is not returnable.